directories | ||||||||||
File Listing and Master Timeline | ||||||||||
ahr | amw | BARB | cmc | epc | mhls | rrfu | skh | tcmh |
+ dataComet Release Notes through 10.0.3 - 7/21/95 through 6/21/04 +
The average programmer writes 10 lines of code per day.
Annette Rose Blayk averaged well over 30 lines per day over a 25-year career as a Network Systems Programmer and entrepreneur:
"You're getting the best!" - H. David Lambert, Director, Cornell Information Technologies / Network Resources
to the President and Vice-President of Millenium Computer Corporation,
Joel Reiser and Jonathan Sacks, sometime in April 1994.
"How do you know when you're getting fucked?"
Could be you've been placing your reliance on "Too Much Data"
As opposed to "Reliable Informants"
In my lexicon, it is presumptuous and grandiose to use the terms, instruments and tools,
as synonyms not for bench-science apparatus, but for clinical tests. Clinical psychoendocrinology
and sexology are reliant for the most part on psychological tests. To call them instruments or tools
gives a false sense of mensurational accuracy.
- "Longitudinal Studies in Clinical Psychoendocrinology and Sexology: Methodology"
- p. 100 in "Venuses Penuses" - John Money PhD -
+ 1977 BAR BLAYK Phi Beta Kappa - composite - small.jpg +
+ 1980-03-01 - Kevin Eric Saunders - AnneRose Blayk Statement of Interest for Cornell Sociology PhD program - signed.pdf +
+ 1985-1994 BARB - Kevin Eric Saunders - Cornell Business Card.jpg +
+ CIT name tag - Kevin Saunders Bonze Blayk - small.jpg +
+ 1995 databeast-Inc-card.jpg +
1990 - + Bonze Anne Rose Blayk - THIS IS THE REAL ME.jpg +
1994 - + Saunders-Bonze-phonebook-1994.jpg +
1994 - + bonzefest-sue-bonzie-14-33 - 851x315 - shifted.jpg +
2003 - + DSC00811 - Small Bedroom - Yo' ADU is DEF.JPG + - the contents of one of my daughter's drawers - taken 2013-10-29
2012 - + Certified Order for Bonze Anne Rose Blayk-1.jpg + - Change of Name
2012 - + Certified Order for Bonze Anne Rose Blayk-2.jpg + - Change of Name
1985-1994 CORNELL + 2000-04-29-BARB-Salary-History.jpg + for TCMH/OMH - Salary History at Cornell University
1995-2012 DATABEAST + databeast, Inc Historical Income Summary.png +
+ 2000-07-21 DOWNLOAD.COM Telnet picks - dataComet.pdf + for TCMH/OMH
1985-1994 CORNELL + AnneRose Blayk - Cornell University Personnel Action Forms - 1985-1994.pdf +
1985-1994 CORNELL + AnneRose Blayk - Cornell Work History - Salary Increase Program - Employee Evaluation Letters - 1985-1992.pdf +
1994 MILLENNIUM + AnneRose Blayk - Millennium Computer Corporation Pay Stubs - 1994.pdf +
+ 1980-01-01 - DATABEAST INC - Expense Receipts from 1980 - 1994.pdf +
+ 1995 on - dataComet Invoices.pdf +
+ 2001-07-02 Department of Commerce - Bureau of Export Administration - DATACOMET-SECURE Export License - WITH Control Codes AND AnneRose Blayk Business Card.jpg +
+ 2001-08-13 NASA Tech Conference Invitation for DATABEAST INC A Outside Fold.jpg +
+ 2001-08-13 NASA Tech Conference Invitation for DATABEAST INC B Inside Fold.jpg +
+ 2001-08-13 NASA Tech Conference Invitation for DATABEAST INC Left Inside Fold.jpg +
+ 2001-08-13 NASA Tech Conference Invitation for DATABEAST INC Right Inside Fold.jpg +
+ dataComet-Secure Online Documentation - COMPLETE - Acrobat - signed.pdf +
- 230 pages comprising the hypertext-linked documentation built in to dataComet-Secure, prefaced by a title page containing
several "killer Philip K. Dick jokes." (cf. The Penultimate Truth.)
+ 1997 Kevin Eric Saunders - 97-019 - Certificate of Non-Responsibility - web.jpg +
1997-01-01 + Calendar - January-February 1997 - 600w.jpg +
1997-01-01 + Calendar - January-February 1997.jpg +
+ 2012-07-24 Bonze Anne Rose Blayk - CPL 330-20 Discharge Order - Judge Rowley.pdf +
+ 2012-09-07 - Bonze Anne Rose Blayk - Notice of Entry of Discharge Order.pdf +
2012-10-19 + Trazodone - "delusions" - The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs 1985.html + Figure this out in 1997? too hard!
2012-10-19 + Trazodone - "delusions" - The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs 1985.jpg +
2013-01-04 + DSM-IV - Differential Diagnosis of Psychotic Disorders.jpg +
2013-01-04 + DSM-IV Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder - Diagnostic Criteria.jpg +
2013-11-28 + HYPOTHETICAL PERSONAL DEBT FROM HOSPITALIZATION - Screen Shot 2013-11-26 at 10.59.30 AM.png +
- On this date I finally owe ZERO dollars rather than $1,352,800 of the debt I ALONE owed - as a civil inpatient
not qualified for Medicaid because "too rich!" - following being JAMMED UP by being dosed with PCP in 2003.
The charges for this inordinately prolonged "hospitalization" had aged out past six years WITHOUT EVER HAVING BEEN BILLED. NOT ONCE!
(Six years is the legal deadline for suing for payment of a past-due debt in New York State.)
2013-01-04 + Zersetzung - Wikipedia - Operations conducted to destroy the reputation of targeted individuals developed by the NAZIs and then the E. German Stasi, CIA, and others..pdf +
"Bigger and tighter locks" to secure our networks are out of the question, because
"As security tightens, computer systems become slower and more difficult to use," so Cornell apparently eschewed the good offices of experts in
national security such as the Air Force in imposing more stringent access controls on
networks and instead resorted to the Central Intelligence Agency to
enforce network security by 1. leaving networks relatively defenseless (e.g., with ineffective data encryption on the network, if any)
so they could surveill them at will, while conducting "background security reviews" and 2. potentially arranging
either jail or 'Special Treatment' for those deemed misdemeanants in the Star Chamber Civil
courts of the 'mental health system' - where you don't have to prove shit in order to
"fix" your problematic actors - by tagging them with a mental illness and 'hospitalizing' them - STICK 'EM WHERE THE SUN DON'T SHINE!
- A HyperCard interface for our Mac TN3270 product which could potentially be used as a back door by a malicious actor, added at the behest of our Information Resources department in CIT.
Annette Rose Blayk came to intermittently suffer "acute psychotic states"… due to repeated poisonings!
After she interfered with a "COIN-OP"
"Cult Of IBM National Socialism OPeration"
intended to undermine the integrity of the DES encryption algorithm used to secure passwords of agents of the
State of Michigan using Single-Sign-On software developed for "Project MAIN"
(Millennium Computer Corp pay stubs: 790KB PDF)
Matthew 7:20 - Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
+ 1994-07-29 MAP DES #issues.txt - Screen Shot 2016-05-03.png +
+ 1994-07-29 bARB - Bonze AnneRose Blayk started to run into... - Bonze AnneRose Blayk - #DES issues.pdf +
+ 2003-02-12 PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF NO. 1654 TRUMANSBURG ROAD - Storage Units smack adjacent to 1668 Trumansburg.pdf +
+ 2003-04-04 Bangs Ambulance to EPC Records.pdf +
"EVIDENCE"† evidence - of… "Whaaat?" LOL
+ 2003-05-27 Recommitment exhibits in evidence incl KES:bb letter of 1997-10-27.png +
The inclusion of my letter of October 27, 1997 as evidence in my "Recommitment Hearing" to "support" the claim that I was "Dangerously Mentally Ill"
is so astonishing - given that I was almost entirely correct in my assertions, as borne out by HISTORY? - I feel compelled to include it here.
MS. COCCHIOLA: I show you what's been marked as People's Exhibit 2. Do you recognize that?
And? Tara Belsare MD (of the Elmira Psychiatric Center) once wrote I suffered from
"grandiose persecutory delusions: He believes that pharmaceutical manufacturers conspire to keep marijuana off the market" - but guess what?
In the popular mind,
I want the entirety of their secret stash of internal records "on my case" opened up for the world to see:
"What's burning a city - compared to tearing the lid off hell and letting men see it?" - Francisco d'Anconia.
"Followthrough makes all the difference in the Great American Sport of BASEBALL…" - bonze blayk September 16 2023
+ 2003-09-03 Dr Deakin - TOO.pdf +
PS: "There are no coincidences," except when there
are? The "tendency to perceive connections and meaning between unrelated things"
may be a symptom of the early development of schizophrenia known as apophenia.
An apophany (i.e., an instance of apophenia) does not provide insight into
the nature of reality nor its interconnectedness,
but is a "process of repetitively and monotonously experiencing abnormal meanings in the entire surrounding experiential field".
Such meanings are entirely self-referential, solipsistic, and paranoid - "being observed, spoken about, the object of eavesdropping, followed by strangers".
- Wikipedia
- "A subject of malicious gossip? In Ithaca? A rural college town of some 30,000 inhabitants? Surely you either jest, or have gone mad!"
+ AnneRose Blayk email with Donnie Buttaccio of BONFIRE - CONTRACT for followon A:V services at The Haunt - Screen Shot 2014-09-10 at 9.51.34 PM.png +
As I have elsewhere stated, three words summarizing my character are "flaming, cute, and hyperbolic!"
Having been subjected to an episode of severe hacking of my core business computer back in October of 2014, conducted
for purposes of bringing psychological warfare on me - rather than the more conventional hijacking of one's machine as an
engine for propagating spam or straightforward destruction …
- I chose thereafter to "cast the net wide," and thus have brazenly tagged
any parties who might have been responsible, even deep in the background, to bring them within a field of inquiry,
without the forms of qualification and circumspection one would expect in the realms of polite discourse?
And so I beg the indulgence of any parties who might feel offended by my intemperate language or extravagant denunciations;
particular labels can serve as tags that may provide insight into the peculiar stylistic traits
or modus operandi
which distinguish groups involved in antisocial activities, such as bringing
cyberwar and other kinds of "social poisoning" against members of our body politic.
In summary: Looking over this timeline, something(s) really stinks here, and it's not just me and my tendency to go
Full Dada! on it when confronted with a pile of steaming bullshit!
- LOL (Please note that
Hugo Ball's Dada Manifesto of 1916
is not merely a reaction to the irrationality of WWII,
but also in part a reaction to exposure to Schweizerdeutschen local
dialects in Zürich and other Alemannic cantons of Switzerland, as opposed to the
Hochdeutsch "High German" to which most citizens native to Germany are accustomed?
And so NOT AT ALL NONSENSICAL, merely "baffling" or
"incomprehensible," thank you!)
Amusing, no? Well at least I try, unlike some people! LOL
[Please Note: This article here (Annette) is not totally unlike the character WILL GRAHAM from the novels and films, like with the "101% Logic" factor?
You may be looking for the television series version of the character, or the Manhunter version of the character…
please… just go away.]
barmayden Annette Rose Blayk, COMETMONGER
Updated 3/14/16, 3/7/18, 5/27/18, 11/12/18, 4/16/19, 5/25/21, 10/4/21, 10/20/21, 3/23/22, 6/30/22, 7/29/22, 9/25/22, 1/27/23, 5/29/23, 9/16/23, 10/25/23, 4/17/24, 12/2/24
Tue Dec 3 02:17:23 CST 2024
------------ FACEBOOK COMMENT - 2016-07-12
+ 2016-03-22 DSC02347 SSA QUIT rcvd GOOD - trimmed - signed.pdf +
+ 2016-07-16 barmayden - I QUIT - to Management Club SSA - Bonze AnneRose Blayk - 2016-05-08.pdf +
------------ FACEBOOK COMMENT - 2016-05-08
1994-1996 + TESTIFY - SKH vs AMW - 1996 or 1994.jpg +
+ 1994-08-05 Susan's Birthday Letter - Happy Birthday to Me - web.jpg +
+ 1995-09-03 SKH SF Trip - LOVE LETTERS.pdf +
+ 1995-09 SKH - Postcards from the Edge - scrunched.pdf +
+ 1995-09 SKH - Postcards from the Edge - web.jpg +
+ 1995-11-21 - PHOENIX - web.jpg +
+ 1996-07-21 - prof. SF 29 Philadelphia ISO SM - Tara Belsare - Screen Shot 2014-06-25 at 12.35.03 PM.png +
+ 1996-02-14 Susan K Hamann - Mandelbrot Valentine - web.jpg +
+ 1996-05-12 MOTHER'S DAY with AnneMarie and Steve Gilsen.pdf +
+ 1996-07-21 Susan's Letter.jpg +
+ 1996 F&CS Amari Meader - bonze blayk - COMPLETE.pdf +
+ 1996-10-10 - 2022-04-20 - AGENT KERBEROS ALERT for Kevin Field.pdf +
+ 1996-12-18 Fran Markover - referred by Amari Meader of Family and Childrens Services.pdf + Fascinating how this "Drug use evaluation" kicks off just days before the setup for my DWI… and I mentioned JAMO would be playing at Micawber's that night?
+ 1996-12-21 Ithaca Journal Monitor - Kevin Saunders DWI arrest - web.jpg +
+ 1996 Prescription receipts - 2011 scan - small.jpg +
+ 1996 Prescription receipts.jpg + commented
+ 1997-01-11 Dr. Sheiman ER.pdf +
+ 1997-01-13 Dr Magre - psoriasis.jpg +
+ 1997-01-17 McMasters DVM Amoxicillin for Berne.jpg + Bernadette was Susan's little calico kitty-kat
+ 1997-01-19 Fay's receipt for enemas : HIV test.jpg +
+ 1997-01-20 Dr. Jody Stackman.pdf + Evaluation of polyneuropathy by a neurologist local to Ithaca NY
+ 1997-01-31 bonze blayks Nervous System.pdf + Guess what? I prepared this document to put over one image!
(Not atypically, for realizing one is in fact transsexual is ALWAYS a big deal?)
+ 1997-01-31 bonze blayk's Nervous System, Jean Saunders distro.pdf + - God is in the details. - bonze blayk citing Mies van der Rohe
+ 1997-02-03 SOTL - ANTHRAX.png +
+ 1997-02-03 SOTL - ANTHRAX web.png +
+ 1997-02-03 SOTL - SURGICAL ADDICTION.png +
+ 1997-02-03 SOTL - SURGICAL ADDICTION web.png +
+ 1997-02-06 Inside the trailer - The Scene of The Offense.jpg +
+ 1997-02-07 Ithaca Journal Police Watch - Trumansburg Man Arrested After Fire - web.jpg +
+ 1997-03-01 bonze blayk jail poetry - processed.jpg +
+ 1997-04-28 KES-bb - Medical History.pdf +
+ 1997-04-28 KES-bb - Symptoms and Stressors.pdf +
+ 1997-05-30 Dr. Lesswing - REPORT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION - markup export - remerged - signed.pdf +
+ 1997-06-14 Paul Thaddeus Povinelli PhD MCMI-III boilerplate markup - export - remerged - signed.pdf +
My bet is that COMMANDER Paul Thaddeus Povinelli PhD USN, then working as a clinical psychologist at the enormous facility at Willard State Hospital,
profiled me for exposure as a "security risk" in 1991 after a referral from the
CIA following my
letter to H. David Lambert
complaining of being underpaid and not accorded respect
appropriate to my status as a highly effective Network Systems Programmer/Analyst? Povinelli bragged in group a number of times over my years at the Elmira Psychiatric Center about how he got this special appointment "because the Navy needed psychologists" and his invitation to breakfast with President Reagan, and this guy is soooo unmilitary - and 100% NOT NAVAL - I believed he was lying! On the other hand, working as a creep for the CIA as an off-label Navy Commander? WHY NOT. THE EXTRA SALARY IS LIKE FREE MONEY.
+ 1997-06-14 Dr. Leswing - Shipley Institute of Living Scale - Tara Belsare MD source for 160 IQ equivalent 2002-04.pdf +
+ 1997-06-23 Anne Marie Whelan - Order of Protection [with transcription] and Response by KES-bb.pdf +
+ 1997-10-23 - 2003-09-21 RRFU Core History and KES-bb Corrections 2-UP.pdf +
Received in 2003 - Dating from 1997!? Who hacked this document out?
I'd sure like to know! This document is formatted to be viewed in Two-Page View; my corrections also appear towards the end in their original form.
Please note: throughout the following court hearings in which I had to defend myself from the perception that I am "routinely insane,"
I was ENTIRELY UNAWARE of this "life history" from which the "experts" drew their "information!" about me!
+ 1997-10-27 KES-bb to Susan Heagney 0 - Letter.pdf +
+ 1997-10-27 KES-bb to Susan Heagney 1 - KES-bb CV - SELF-DIAGNOSIS.pdf +
+ 1997-10-27 KES-bb to Susan Heagney 2 - POLICE RECORDS.pdf +
+ 1997-10-27 KES-bb to Susan Heagney 3 - SILENCE OF THE LAMBS.pdf +
+ 1997-10-27 KES-bb to Susan Heagney 4 - KES-bb SET LIST - "CLARICE" AND JOHN MONEY.pdf +
+ 1997-10-27 KES-bb to Susan Heagney 5 - MEDICINAL CANNABIS.pdf +
+ 1997-10-27 KES-bb to Susan Heagney 6 - KES-bb HIGH SCHOOL WRITINGS.pdf +
+ 1997-10-27 KES-bb to Susan Heagney 7 - KES-bb HYPERGRAPHIA.pdf +
+ 1997-10-27 KES-bb to Susan Heagney 8 - KES-bb MUSIC.pdf +
+ 1997-10-27 KES-bb to Susan Heagney CSW - Letters with Attachments.pdf +
+ 1997-10-27_Susan_Heagney.pdf +
+ 1997-10-31 KES-bb to Susan Heagney.pdf +
+ 1997-10-31_Susan_Heagney.pdf +
+ 1998-03-19 Dr. Kennedy - Susan Hamann - annotated (to Joanne).pdf +
+ 1998-03-19 - John Kennedy MD Rochester Regional Forensic Unit - SUMMARY -Work History of bonze blayk- - COMMENTED and SIGNED 2021-03-10.pdf + To summarize: "This good-for-nothing egomaniac only wrote $250 worth of code for Cornell over 8 years." LOLOL
+ 1998-03-19 - 2021-03-10 - John Kennedy MD Rochester Regional Forensic Unit - 'Work History of bonze blayk' - signed - (NICK GIMBRONE 'would harangue others') - DEFAMATION.png +
PLEASE NOTE I erred on my old boss' name at UALR - It was not "Bob Black," it was Robert Schneider!
(BSCS U. Missouri at Rolla)
- BARB - December 3, 2024 -
+ 1998-03-19 John Kennedy 330-20 evaluation.pdf - Kennedy reproduces Povinelli boilerplate from Millon NPD HIGH SCORE analysis - MCMI-III NAZIMETRICS - Screen Shot 2018-03-19 at 6.44.06 AM - trimmed.png + - Feels a bit like a tag team, doesn't it?
+ 1999-02-12 Board of Elections - Right to Vote - Incompetence.pdf +
+ 1999 - BARB - Catbert - Evil HR Director - You Must Hire a Sockpuppet - NO POT FOR YOU.pdf +
+ 2000-05-22 BARB - KES-mCPP Effects, Metabolism.pdf +
+ 2000-05-24 BARB - KES-CYP2D6 Trazodone - mCPP.pdf +
+ 2000-06-03 3WayTrainWreck v1.0 - To Whom It May Concern - mCPP.png +
+ 2000-06-03 KES-bb To Whom It May Concern.pdf +
+ 2000-06-30 BARB -> Scott Miller - TIMELINE.pdf +
+ 2000-04-29 BARB - Lifetime Relationship History for Linda Riley LMHC - TCMH - EPC - OMH - signed.pdf +
+ 2002-03-24 AnneMarie Whelan to Richard Wenig Esq MHLS in support of AnneRose Blayk f-k-a Kevin Eric Saunders.pdf +
+ 2002-04-26 ER Urine - PCP-1050 ordered.pdf +
+ 2002-04-26 - Health Care Proxy for Kevin Saunders : bonze blayk - Alice Richardson.jpg + Alice cajoled me into signing off on this Health Care Proxy after urging me - I felt unnecessarily? to go to the hospital for my physical health.
+ 2002-04-27 Cayuga Medical Center ER-Admission.pdf +
+ 2002-05-10 BARB - CMC Malpractice (from dataComet document).pdf +
+ 2002-05-21 MY TOP FIVE VALUES - Kevin Eric Saunders-bonze blayk - trimmed - small.jpg +
+ 2002-05-08 EPC - Tara Belsare MD OUTPATIENT admission - AnneRose Blayk f-k-a Kevin E Saunders SSA Medical Records - Elmira Psychiatric - Belsare - SSA A8001001A09F19B75412C89624.pdf +
+ 2002-05-23 EPC Tara Belsare MD 600mg DOSAGE Trileptal prescribed for AnneRose Blayk - PARANOID REFUSAL OF MEDICATION OVERDOSE.jpg + NB: Trileptal was a new antiepileptic drug
+ 2002-05-23 Notes on Meeting with Dr. Tara Belsare - signed.pdf +
+ 2002 - bb notes on Belsare-0.png +
+ 2002-06-27 - Bonze Anne Rose Blayk to NY MHLS Correspondence - - Save As RTFD comes up OUT OF DATE ORDER - RESORT COPY.pdf +
+ 2002-06-28 OSX-connections.2 - SHARED WITH EPC OUTPATIENT TREATMENT - dataComet-X.png +
+ 2003-02-12 PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF NO. 1654 TRUMANSBURG ROAD - Storage Units smack adjacent to 1668 Trumansburg - ZONING OVERLAY.pdf + OVER 150 feet OUT OF THE ZONE
+ 2003-03-05 - dataComet-Secure Site License offer to NASA HQ.pdf + - To upgrade their existing site license - $20,000 - shared with EPC
+ 2003-03-14 EPC Forensic Evaluation with Paul Thaddeus Povinelli PhD - Tara Belsare MD proclaims novel diagnosis of Paranoid Schizophrenia for AnneRose Blayk - PLACEHOLDER.rtf +
+ 2003-03-17 - MCMI-III NARCISSISM - Tara Belsare MD - PSYCHOPATH per Kevin Field - dom-switch - -sence- misspelling while posturing in BDSM-themed taunt as - Screen Shot 2018-04-14 at 1.26.52 PM.png + - What it says.
+ 2003-03-17 PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF NO. 1654 TRUMANSBURG - Purchased Maguire Family Partnership LLC 40,000 - Tompkins County Assessment Office - 1658 Trumansburg Rd - Property Description Report - Municipality of Ulysses - Image Mate Online.pdf +
+ 2003-03-18 - Draft Town of Ulysses Board of Zoning Appeals Public Hearing and Meeting - March 18, 2003 - Tim Maguire, Maguire Family Partnership LLC - NIMBY Protest.pdf +
+ 2003-03-25 - Town of Ulysses - Board of Zoning Appeals - Public Hearing and Meeting - bza03252003.html + Tim Maguire, Maguire Family Partnership LLC - NIMBY Protest
+ 2003-04-01 - PCP HALLUCINATIONS - Bipolar disorder explained: mania and hypomania defined - Black Dog Institute.pdf +
+ 2003-04-01 - PCP HALLUCINATIONS - Bipolar disorder explained: mania and hypomania defined - Black Dog Institute - web.png +
+ 2003-04-01 Northeast Regional Climate Center - Ithaca NY History - Daily temperature graph for the month of April 2003 - Screen Shot 2018-04-29 at 8.38.23 AM.png +
- The "Secret KGB Alien Abduction Files" is the show that turned up on the History Channel (?) after I got blasted by the PCP I most
definitely DID NOT request in my pot? NOT TO WONDER, I BEGAN OBSESSING OVER AN ALIEN INVASION - OF EARTH! (PS: This is obviously a
disinformation op intended to spook Russian adversaries into believing ZOMG THE RUSSKIES HAVE OBTAINED ACCESS TO "Gear Of Alien Origin!,"
but it's pretty impressive if you're ripped on PCP? LOL.)
+ 2003-04-01 KES-bb Hospitalization Notes PCP Takedown - DELUSIONAL SYSTEMS - signed.pdf +
+ 2003-04-02 PCP PYRAMID BUILDERS - And amazingly the Great Pyramid lies in the exact center of the Earth's landmass.png +
+ 2003-04-02 PCP PYRAMID BUILDERS - Secret KGB Alien Abduction Files - Alien Mummy - Screenshot_20180430-200717.png +
+ 2003-04-02 PCP PYRAMID BUILDERS - Secret KGB Alien Abduction Files - Communist Troops - Screenshot_20180430-201034.png +
+ 2003-04-02 PCP PYRAMID BUILDERS - Secret KGB Alien Abduction Files - HOOKERS - Screenshot_20180430-205106.png +
+ 2003-04-02 PCP PYRAMID BUILDERS - Secret KGB Alien Abduction Files - Mystic Levitation - Screenshot_20180430-204456.png +
+ 2003-04-02 PCP PYRAMID BUILDERS - Secret KGB Alien Abduction Files - ORION - Screenshot_20180430-204249.png +
+ 2003-04-02 PCP PYRAMID BUILDERS - Secret KGB Alien Abduction Files - scan lines - Screenshot_20180430-200147.png +
+ 2003-04-02 PCP PYRAMID BUILDERS - Secret KGB Alien Abduction Files - scan lines - Screenshot_20180430-200416.png +
+ 2003-04-04 PCP - Wet, naked, two pairs of handcuffs - OVERHEATING - Screenshot_20180324-175933.png +
+ 2003-04-04 Cayuga Medical Center INVOICE for ER - PCP-1050 test - CONTRAST.pdf +
+ 2003-04-04 Cayuga Medical Center Records - scrunched.pdf +
+ 2003-04-04 Trumansburg Ambulance to Cayuga Med Center Records.pdf +
+ 2003-04-05 EPC Patient Orientation Handbook.pdf +
+ 2003-04-07 EPC April Roberts - INPATIENT Admission - Kevin E Saunders SSA Medical Records - Elmira Psychiatric Center - Admission Record 2003 - A diagnosis of hallucinogen intoxication is also being included - A8001001A09F19B75412C89624-3.pdf +
+ 2003-04-08 EPC Paul Thaddeus Povinelli - Kevin E Saunders SSA Medical Records - feels that in the past his marijuana may have been spiked with hallucinatory drugs - INPATIENT Admission - A8001001A09F19B75412C89624-4.pdf +
+ 2003-04-08 EPC Povinelli - Spiked & Seizing - _Uncinate Seizures_ - PCP - Sex F.jpg + - Obviously hacked unless one assumes Povinelli's trifocals failed to distinguish 'F' from 'M' on the keyboard!
+ 2003-04-09 EPC April Roberts MD - Summary.pdf +
+ 2003-04-09 Elmira Psychiatric Center - Core History from 2003 on.pdf +
+ 2003-04-10 -Q15- My Wake-Up Call - BARB poetry.png + Q15 is the fifteen-minute staff drill for "close observation" so they open your door and wake you up
+ 2003-04-10 - 2003-05-01 - BARB - KES-bb EPC Hospitalization Notes - signed.pdf +
+ 2003-04-16 April Roberts MD - TOO.pdf +
+ 2003-04-24 KES Release Application Hearing - Elmira - signed v1.pdf +
+ 2003-04-24 Release Application Hearing - KES-bb NOTES.pdf +
+ 2003-04-24 - April Roberts MD - p 32 - 2003-04-24 KES Retention Hearing - Elmira - signed v1.pdf - Screen Shot 2014-04-01 at 9.37.09 AM.png + Convulsions due to PCP intoxication
+ 2003-04-24 - Hayden p 34 April Roberts MD - IT WAS A SUBSTANCE INDUCED PSYCHOSIS.png +
+ 2003-04-24 - Hayden p42 - April Roberts - labeled small.jpg + THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS
+ 2003-04-26 EPC - Gender Identity Order - Cover Photo.jpg + "Gender Identity Order" - NOT A TYPO; HACKED or NOT-HACKED? - "best. diagnosis. ever."
+ 2003-05-06 KES-bb Hospitalization Notes cont.pdf +
+ 2003-05-08 William Connor PhD - scrunched - signed.pdf +
+ 2003-05-15 - CFCU Bank Statements for Kevin Eric Saunders and DATABEAST INC - 2,500 USD balance.pdf +
+ - CHARYBDIS - 2018-05-19 BLUNT INSTRUMENTS - 2003-05-22 B - COMET 'No Sale' Imputation of Narcissistic Rage AAG Carol Cocchiola - Recommitment Hearing Judge John Rowley re 1997-019 p 253.png +
+ 1997-10-27 KES-bb to Susan Heagney 0 - Letter.pdf +
AnneRose: Mm-mm (yes).
MS. COCCHIOLA: I'm going to offer People's Exhibit 2.
October 27, 1997
1668 Trumansburg Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14850-9213
Susan Heagney
Rochester Psychiatric Center
Regional Forensic Unit
1111 Elmwood Ave.
Rochester, NY 14620-3005
Dear Ms. Heagney,
Here are the notes from Dr. Matusiewicz and Ellen Stotz, along with some journal articles on Geschwind Syndrome and an extensive collection of personal material which helps establish my diagnosis as Temporal Lobe Epilepsy with a seizure focus on the left side (my writing and songwriting amply document relevant symptoms including hypergraphia, anger, chronic mild paranoia, and intense philosophical/religious pre-occupation-including revelatory religious states). The source code for dataComet is the ultimate proof of hypergraphia; it's copyrighted and contains trade secrets proprietary to databeast, Inc. and Cornell University, so I can't share it. I intend to bring along a copy to at least one interview to give you some idea of the size and complexity of the code.
In my opinion the instant offense occurred during a classic attack of schizophreniform post-ictal psychosis (cf. Slater et. al. "The schizophrenia-like psychoses of epilepsy", Br. J. Psychiatry, 1963;109:95-150) following seizures prompted by extreme stress
[AnneRose 5/22/18: but see the primary influence of the "phantom hallucinogen" mCPP in the picture:
A Three-Way Train Wreck on P450IID6],
use of psychotropic medications as prescribed (Prozac and Trazodone), and abstention from self-medication using cannabis (an effective anti-convulsant medication; note that withdrawal from legal anti-convulsants can also induce seizures). During the four months over which I completely abstained from cannabis while on Prozac (2/97 - 5/97) I had my first experience of disabling hypomania (including flight of ideas and intense suicidal preoccupation), indicating that delirium due to serotonin syndrome may also have been a factor in my behavior on 2/6/97.
My stress and tendency to paranoia was of course dramatically intensified due to these truths, which I know as a certainty and from which I will not budge: that
1) I was DWI 12/22/96 only because I was given a spiked drink, [TRUE]
2) Sgt. Curatolo nearly rear-ended me in order to provoke me to speed
(see the transcript of his testimony, which strongly supports my position), [TRUE]
3) There was no sexual or other assault on Susan Hamann 12/29/96, rather I
had good grounds to believe our activities were consensual, [TRUE] and
4) I never threatened to do physical harm of any sort to Sgt. Curatolo. [TRUE]
The police were indeed following me around on the evening of 2/6/97, for reasons I could not comprehend except as part of a (non-existent) "larger plot", since I was unaware that the Ithaca Police Department had issued a alert (12/30/96) claiming I had made a "threat against a police officer" in which I supposedly vowed "to kill Sgt. Curatolo at the earliest opportunity." I was not allowed to legally communicate in any way with Susan Hamann due to an Order of Protection from that date, which was issued pursuant to Susan's false claims (PTSD strikes again!), so I could not correct my delusional misapprehensions regarding her possible relationship to Clarice Starling ("Silence of the Lambs", Thomas Harris) without committing a Class F felony.
Indeed, since I had no countervailing sources of data, was not allowed to contact Susan, and had been cut off from therapeutic counselling, my beliefs at that time cannot even be described as truly "delusional"; I could have been stopped at any point along my course with the "stroke of a feather": you'll note that I have been invariably described as "cooperative" by the police, and that indeed this was held against me as evidence that I was "rational" by legal standards and possessed the criminal _mens rea_ at the time of the arson.
The irony is that the arson occurred only as a result of an incredible string of coincidences, beginning with my first reading of Silence of the Lambs on 2/3/97, building to the point at which I experienced congruent auditory hallucinations beginning midnight 2/6/97, and culminating in the (real) presence of a three-foot tall three-fingered left hand in Susan's trailer across from a can of inflammable material neatly set on the floor, resting on mirrors, below three hat-racks with summer hats set on their tops, a tableaux which is chilling if you consider its relationship to the 5-fingered Hannibal Lecter and the "tableaux" which are a prominent theme in the Silence of the Lambs. You cannot comprehend the fear I felt without reading the book, in which Susan's character and characteristics nicely fit the character of Clarice Starling (to the extent of having actually used the key image of Clarice self-referentially without referring to it as a source-Clarice as crow, distracted by shiny things without value), and accepting that I *really* believed at the time that Hannibal Lecter actually existed and had threatened to unleash biotoxins based on anthrax, and possessed a clear and deep understanding of the horrifying ramifications which would ensue if such a threat were carried out.
I later figured out that Hannibal Lecter was, indeed, so convincing because he was based in large part on a real doctor, fortunately a humanitarian: Dr. John Money, forensic sexologist and pediatric neuroendocrinologist. I've also been able to speak with Susan since the Order of Protection expired at the end of June, and I believe her disavowal of any connection whatsoever with either the book or with the FBI (she put it this way: "No... I always wanted to work for the CIA, though!" Evidently her quotation was unconscious, since she had been given the book but did not recall reading it).
Please note that I reject all diagnoses that claim I suffer from Bipolar I Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, current Alcohol Abuse, and Cannabis Dependence. I believe my chronic light use of cannabis (preferring .25-.5 gm/day of "commercial" sativa, relatively low in psychoactive THC content and relatively high in non-psychoactive anti-convulsant CBD content) [BOLD ADDED] has been an appropriate and medically justifiable (if largely unwitting) means of coping with the unpleasant psychological and physical symptoms I suffer, which include not only the symptoms of TLE but also symptoms associated with MS or polyneuropathy (most remarkably the progressive distal and occipital parasthesia and accompanying confusional states which practically disabled me early in January 1997).
Also, contrary to claims that I "reject the frame of self-medication" (Amari Meader) and reject scientific research on cannabis as "all govt-political" (Fran Markover), I have consistently maintained to my therapists from my first session with Dr. Matusiewicz that I am self-medicating, and that the preponderance of scientific research and reputable medical opinion supports the claim that chronic cannabis use is less harmful to human health than use of tobacco, alcohol, or benzodiazepines, while having notable therapeutic benefits. Current authoritative support for this position includes the British Medical Association, the American Public Health Association, the National Association of Addictions Nurses, and the editorial boards of Lancet, JAMA, and the NEJM, along with reporting committees established by the NIH and the AMA.
Sorry about getting this out a little late, and the volume of the material involved, but I'd like the record to be complete, and proof of hypergraphia must by definition be abundant!
Kevin Eric Saunders a/k/a bonze blayk
1) Notes by Anna Matusiewicz, M.D.
2) Notes by Ellen Stotz, M.S.W.
3) Material regarding diagnosis of TLE on the basis of inter-ictal
personality disorders and medicinal applications of cannabis
relevant to the condition.
4) Materials pertinent to the arson offense (including excerpts from
Sgt. Curatolo's testimony under oath and analysis of Silence of
the Lambs gathered from the WWW 2/5/97).
5) KES/bb CV and documents regarding self-diagnosis.
6) KES/bb letters and articles (documenting hypergraphia with heavily philosophical content).
7) KES/bb musical materials:
a) Lyrics (moralistic philosophizing in a poetic context).
b) "Auld l'Anxiety" tape (which also establishes my competence with
audio technologies, relevant to my accepting the "radio messages"
as technically feasible communications).
c) Live videotape of bonzefest [2.37GB], including a performance of "Burnin' for You" from
1995 (also documenting my "peculiar", "affected" patterns of speech
outside therapeutic contexts).
8) Photographs (please cf. the family portrait with Susan every time
you note a reference to Clarice Starling's physical appearance in
Silence of the Lambs-particularly her hair!).
- in Forbes magazine: "Senator Calls Out Big Pharma For Opposing Legal Marijuana"
- I was ahead of the curve.
And I have to ask - why did the "mental health" apparatus keep throwing me spitballs when I
offered up evidence of what my working life was like, and actual, for-real, reasonably reliable
scientific evidence
of the utility of cannabis in ameliorating a variety of health conditions?
"Could it be? Maybe? Just possibly? Look, is it not obvious? … it's a fucking conspiracy!" - They brought the
Big Lie
against me
in claiming that I had "a long history of extreme violence against women," and I want to know
"Extreme violence pertains to excessive amounts of blood, gore, or violent acts. These include decapitation, mutilation,
dismemberment, disembowelment, torture and much more." - Giant Bomb
--- Atlas Shrugged, p. 122, Ayn Rand. ---
- Bonze Annette Rose Blayk - May 28, 2018 - REAFFIRMED July 28 2022
SOUNDS REALLY GOOD TO ME RIGHT NOW subject to Presidential approval right? RIGHT.
+ 2003-05 Judge Rowley Recommitment Hearing - Anne Marie Whelan - OCR.pdf +
+ 2003-05 Rowley Recommitment Hearing - KES-bb NOTES.pdf +
+ 2003-05 - Testimony by Kevin Eric Saunders (aka B.A.R.BLAYK) - Recommitment Hearing - p 97 with Statement on Differential Diagnosis.pdf + AnneRose Blayk has been RAILROADED into the American Psychiatric Gulag - "WHY" -> "COIN-OP" - "Cult of IBM National Socialism OPeration"
+ 2003-05 - Testimony by Kevin Eric Saunders (aka B.A.R.BLAYK) - Recommitment Hearing - scrunched.pdf +
+ 2003-06-25 Michelle Kent - Statement re - Incident with Nurse 4-4-03.jpg +
+ 2003-07-01 AnneRose Blayk f-k-a Kevin Eric Saunders Notes on Transcripts of Court Proceedings - Originals STOLEN while at EPC - COIN-OP EPC Tara Belsare - PERJURY - OCR.pdf + - AnneRose Blayk has been RAILROADED into the American Psychiatric GULAG - "WHY" -> "COIN-OP" - "Cult of IBM National Socialism OPeration"
+ 2003-09-02 - Dr Deakin TOO - HOW MANY DATES - labelled.jpg + - AnneRose Blayk has been RAILROADED into the American Psychiatric GULAG - "WHY" -> "COIN-OP" - "Cult of IBM National Socialism OPeration"
+ 2003-09-02 - Dr Deakin TOO - HOW MANY DATES - labelled - web.jpg +
+ 2003-09-03 Dr Kashtan - TOO.pdf +
+ 2003-09-10 - Town of Ulysses Planning Board Minutes - pb09102003.html + - AnneRose Blayk has been RAILROADED into the American Psychiatric GULAG - "WHY" -> "COIN-OP" - "Cult of IBM National Socialism OPeration"
+ 2003-09-11 Igor Kashtan MD.pdf +
+ 2003-09-21 BARB - KES-bb Notes on Court Transcripts.pdf +
+ 2003-09-23 BARB - Letter to Zoning Board re Storage Facility.pdf + - AnneRose Blayk has been RAILROADED into the American Psychiatric GULAG - "WHY" -> "COIN-OP" - "Cult of IBM National Socialism OPeration"
+ 2003-09-24 Draft Report by Dr Houghtalen for the "Defense" - TIMELINE 1 year.pdf +
+ 2003-09-25 Timothy Maguire - SITE PLAN for 1658 Trumansburg Rd.pdf +
+ 2003-09-25 - Town of Ulysses Planning Board Minutes - pb09252003.html + "Mr. Coogan first read a letter from Kevin Eric Saunders, 1668 Trumansbug Road into the record" - see 2003-09-23 requesting denial of variance
+ 2003-12-23 RRFU Treatment Plan Review.pdf +
+ 2003 - 2004 Treatment Plan Review Documents (3) - scrunched.pdf +
+ 2003 BARB index cards from early hospitalization.pdf +
+ 2004-08-20 - RRFU Peer Review - Certificate of Achievement awarded to Kevin Saunders - HE IS PEACEFUL AND KIND - Peer Empowerment.jpeg + 4 1/2 YEARS of "hospitalization" where "relating to your [insane] peers" is held to be an "essential skill" - Peer Reviews collected over that time: ONE (1).
+ 2006-03-16 Moshier Bewilderment letter.pdf +
+ 2006-04-14 - Blayk vs Berry Exhibit E - 2021-03-27 - Sealed - Original PDF for 1997-0019 p 434-442 - Savithri Satti MD Psychiatrist 1 - Colleen Larrison SW 1 - ERRATA COUNT with PERJURY - CONFIDENTIAL.pdf +
+ 2009-04-15 Census Bureau Rap Sheet.jpg +
2010-03-08 + SSA Mental Residual Functional Capacity Assessment-0.jpg +
2010-03-08 + SSA Mental Residual Functional Capacity Assessment-1.jpg +
2010-03-08 + SSA Mental Residual Functional Capacity Assessment-2.jpg +
2010-07-07 + Arkansas Car Bomber.png + #NoDoctorEver hurt anybody intentionally, unless they did
+ 2011-09-14 - Gerard Lippert MD - Pages 22-27 from 2012-07-24 Filings Confidential-2 - TCMH PROGRESS NOTES insanity featuring -presumption of maliciousness - despite PEN 40.15 Insanity Acquittal.pdf +
+ 2011-09-18 BARB - Engineer - Eddie_Kramer_Production_Application - FINAL - signed.pdf +
+ 2012-07-24 DISCHARGE ORDER for BONZE ANNE ROSE BLAYK - pp 1-2 from Filings Confidential - OCR.pdf + - Unconditional release from supervision by the OMH under CPL 330.20 oversight of insanity acquittees
+ 2013-08-30 Town of Ulysses - Note on Nonconforming Uses - zoning-Nonconformance FAQs_revised_8-30-13.pdf +
+ 2013-09-10 Ulysses NEW PROPOSED Nonconformance Law - Zoning LL2 Amending Nonconformance_9-10-13.pdf +
+ 2013-09-30 - 1668 Trumansburg Rd. - CFCU HELOC Rejection vs Third-Party Market Assessments.pdf +
+ 2013-11-08 Town of Ulysses - Zoning Map - ZONING-map-11-8-2013 - DETAIL including 1668 Zoning.pdf +
+ 2013-11-15 - State mental health plan may leave Ithaca without adequate care.rtfd +
+ 2013-12-16 1668 TBURG HOUSE EXTERIOR - DSC00882.JPG +
+ 2013-12-16 1668 TBURG HOUSE EXTERIOR - DSC00883.JPG +
2014-01-22 + N.Y. TWN. LAW: NY Code - Section 268: Enforcement and remedies - Class B MISDEMEANOR.pdf +
+ 2014-02-07 BARB - Conversation with Mary Ott re - ALICE RICHARDSON AND SUICIDE.jpg +
+ The Plot - SKH - Susan K Hamann - She Read The Last Dance as - SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE - Last Dance of the Hooved Race - Screen Shot 2014-06-17 at 9.57.22 AM.png +
+ 2014-07-28 Diagnoses - bonze Anne Rose Blayk extracted to date.pdf +
+ 2014-08-08 Town of Ulysses - Zoning - Adopted June 2014 - Zoning_Map_6-2014.pdf +
+ 2014-09-27 - REVOCATION of Power of Attorney for Anne Marie Whelan.pdf +
+ 2014-10-10 Town of Ulysses - Darby Kiley on Zoning of 1658 Trumansburg Rd.pdf +
+ 2016-03-22 DSC02347 SSA QUIT rcvd GOOD - trimmed - signed.pdf +
ALICE H. RICHARDSON LPN - see: Hoarding Disorder and
Münchausen's Syndrome by Proxy
1986-06-13 + Alice Richardson LPN License No- 186714 - NYS Professions - Online Verifications.pdf +
+ Alice Richardson - Storage and Hauling Expenses - Directory +
+ 1986-09-01 Alice Richardson - Eviction Letter from Charles Liebson.jpg +
2003-01-14 + Red CAT - Cornell diagnosis - corneal ulcer & probable herpes virus carrier.jpg + - Alice didn't tell me what her brother Brit later told me: she STOLE "the sickest
cats I ever had" from him (he saves stray cats)
+ 2011-11-01 - DSCN8890 - Red Cat.JPG +
+ 2007-03-01 2573 Betzler Rd - Property Assessment - $81-000.jpg +
+ 2009-11-04 - 2010-11-13 - BARB - Alice H Richardson email - SHA1 0714f150edd8f7657f43520987fe790e84b45155.mbox +
+ 2010-02-18 P&S Snowplowing Bill - Alice given cash but failed to pay - $64-80.jpg +
+ 2011-01-14 P&S Bill - Alice given cash but failed to pay - $64-80.jpg +
+ 2011-10-07 Walmart storage bins - $46.jpg +
+ 2011-10-10 Labels for bins - $4-19.jpg +
+ 2011-10-10 Receipts $60-00.jpg +
+ 2011-10-13 Lowes Garbage Bags $11-32.jpg +
+ 2011-10-21 - 2 66qt Sterilite clear bins for storage - $14-62.jpg +
+ 2011-10-24 - 45 Hefty 30G Cinch Sacks - $12-50.jpg +
+ 2011-10-25 - Sterilite small clear plastic bins - $10-74.jpg +
+ 2011-10-31 Tompkins Waste 2x$14 coupons + 4x$12 punchcards - check #2605 $76-00.jpg +
+ 2011-11-26 - 30 39G bags + ties - $17-76.jpg +
+ 2011-11-21 - #2604 - Dave & Lisas Trash - remove couches and clear pantry of canned goods - $170.pdf +
+ 2011-11-29 Tompkins County Waste 2xcoupons - $28-00.pdf +
+ 2011-12-07 #2611 - Tompkins County Waste - 2 coupons & 5 punchcards - $88-00.pdf +
+ 2011-12-23 MC - Walmart - Plastic Storage Bins - $48-52.jpg +
+ 2011 - Povinelli on drunks and bars - Alice - lied about Mom - hence - lied about me.jpg +
+ 2012-01-17 #2615 - Tompkins County Waste - 1 coupon & 2 punchcards - $38-00.pdf +
+ 2012-02-28 #2621 - Tompkins County Waste - 3 punchcards - $36-00.pdf +
+ 2012-03-19 2 x Sterilite clear plastic storage boxes for small glass items - $12-25-1.jpg +
+ 2012-03-19 2 x Sterilite clear plastic storage boxes for small glass items - $12-25.jpg +
+ 2012-04-11 Sterilite clear plastic storage boxes - $40-71.jpg +
+ 2012-04-12 #2625 - Tompkins County - 4 x Punch cards, 1 coupon - $62-00.pdf +
2012-04-23 + DSCN9162 Kitchen Whiteboard.JPG +
2012-04-24 + DSCN9167 Diamond Ring? with ShopNBC package it was in.JPG +
+ 2012-04-27 - 3 x clear plastic bins - labels - $29-54.jpg +
+ 2012-05-06 - 2 x clear plastic bins - labels - $15-06.jpg +
+ 2012-10-02 - 1 x 30 39G trash bags - labels - $11-86.jpg +
+ 2012-10-14 2 x coupons & 1 x punch cards - $40-00.jpg +
+ 2012-10-15 #2657 - Tompkins County - Waste Dump coupons - $40-00.pdf +
+ 2012-10-23 #2658 - Tompkins County - Waste Dump coupons - $28-00.pdf +
+ 2012-10-23 2 x Hefty Steelsak trash bags - $23-72.jpg +
+ 2012-12-05 #2662 - Tompkins County Waste Receipt - 2 x tickets 2 x punchcards - $52-00.pdf +
+ 2012-12-05 Tompkins County Waste Receipt - 2 x tickets 2 x punchcards - $52-00.jpg +
+ 2013-01-13 - #2694 - Tompkins County - Waste Dump coupons - $28-00.pdf +
+ 2013-01-30 - #2697 - Tompkins County - ALICE - 2 x Waste Dump coupons - $24-00.pdf +
+ 2013-02-15 - #2701 - Tompkins County - 2 x $14 Waste Dump Coupons.pdf +
+ 2013-02-19 - #2703 - USPS - Shipping Alice's Mail in Two File Boxes - $33-96.pdf +
+ 2013-03-11 - #2706 - Tompkins County - 3 x Waste Dump coupons - $36-00.pdf +
2013-08-16 + DSC00684 - Important Personal Documents Placed in a Bag and Buried under Stuff in the Far Studio.JPG +
Alice Richardson was EXTREMELY concerned that Susan Hamann might have left illegal drugs in my house; guess who actually did leave a whole pile of
SERIOUSLY illegal drugs in my house? Yeah, Alice Richardson. Brilliant, huh?
+ 2013-04-08 - DSC00437 - Alice H. Richardson LPN - HYDROCODONE - Drugs Found Buried in Various Locations, as Turned Over to Kevin Field PhD.JPG +
+ 2013-04-08 - DSC00438 - Alice H. Richardson LPN - HYDROCODONE - Drugs Found Buried in Various Locations, as Turned Over to Kevin Field PhD.JPG +
+ 2013-04-08 - DSC00439 - Alice H. Richardson LPN - HYDROCODONE - Drugs Found Buried in Various Locations, as Turned Over to Kevin Field PhD.JPG +
+ 2013-08-17 - DSC00692 - Alice H. Richardson LPN - DRUGS - Darvon - Empirin - Old Narcotics - Buried in the Far Studio.JPG +
2013-08-17 + DSC00693 - Old Narcotics belonging to Alice - Buried in the Far Studio.JPG +
+ 2013-08-17 - DSC00694 - DSC00692 - Alice H. Richardson LPN - DRUGS - Darvon Old Narcotics belonging to Alice - Buried in the Far Studio IN THIS BAG.JPG +
+ 2013-10-17 #2667 - Tompkins County - 1 x Punch Card - Small Bedroom - $12-00.pdf +
+ 2013-11-21 - #2672 - Tompkins County Tipping Fee for Tires - $33-80.pdf +
+ 2013-11-21 - #2673 - Tompkins County Tipping Fee for Tires - $28-00.pdf +
+ 2013-12-05 - #2676 - Tompkins County - 2 x Dump coupons - $28-00.pdf +
+ 2013-12-17 - #2678 - Tompkins County - 1 x Punch Card & 5 Tires @ $2 - $22-00.pdf +
+ 2014-08-20 crypt-analysis - Alice Richardson - Death Camp 2020 survivalist program for 1668 Trumansburg Rd - ALL ratbringer CARDS - paginated.pdf + - A compilation of some of the bizarre circumstances surrounding my case and systematic abuse in the "mental health system." - "Dr. Commander Paul Thaddeus Povinelli" shows up as well as my labeling the Rich Kids variant of DSM-5 "Hoarding Disorder" as "Gina Rinehart Syndrome." You don't see the garbage pile up on the premises of the Super-Accumulators, you see their garbage pile up on OTHER people's property!
- Alice Richardson had turned MY house into a toxic waste dump and MAJOR fire hazard!
I requested Watsonization of gossip garnered from local network interactions; I got the "worst. interface. ever." running through Apple's Spotlight search facility! A TECHNOLOGICAL MARVEL: "Gossip processed using advanced methods in Artificial Intelligence now yields TRUE/FALSE assessments of assertions posed through an easy-to-use Natural Language Processing interface that are on average five percent more reliable than inquiries posed through a Ouija Board!"
HOCHBERGVILLE - 2014-09-05 - wherein Jonathan Hochberg rules the roost! in the world of Ithaca music A/V by… goin' thug on it!
NB: I wasn't interested in "ruling" anything, just out to enjoy myself, hang out with Lenora (<3), and get some A/V with
high-quality audio post-production done for my friends. Is that a crime? No. But what Jonathan Hochberg did is.
"I'M NOT AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOLF! Wolfs are our friends!" - Carla Satana RVSM
(One can readily imagine just how invaluable this concept would prove to the Stasi.)
Now, one might think - similar to modifying the electronics in your computer and finding that it's crashing a lot? - that if you take a psychiatric medication
and then suffer from a "mental illness" immediately thereafter, those might be connected, but no! - you just experienced a mental illness, so -
"That would be a ridiculous idea! You're just being paranoid, and are now suffering from a SEVERE mental illness, so you REALLY need help!"
LOL on braindead posers posturing as providers of "scientific medicine."
+ AnneRose Blayk email with Mike Brindisi - CONTRACT for A:V - Screen Shot 2014-09-09 at 8.16.22 PM.png +
+ 2014-09-05 - Lowes - Receipt for COSCO Stepstool.jpg +
+ 2014-09-05 - Lowes - Receipt for COSCO Stepstool - trimmed.jpg +
+ Bonze A. R. Blayk - Order of Protection against Jonathan Hochberg for Harassment 2nd Degree committed at The Dock on Sept 5 2014.pdf +
+ Bonze A. R. Blayk - Order of Protection against Jonathan Hochberg for Harassment 2nd Degree committed at The Dock on Sept 5 2014 - web copy.png +
+ JONATHAN HOCHBERG - Defriended - Screen Shot 2014-09-06 at 2.13.57 AM.png +
+ JONATHAN HOCHBERG - Defriended - Screen Shot 2014-09-07 at 9.21.01 PM.png +
+ JONATHAN HOCHBERG - GOOGLE "I'll take your head off" - MENACING - Screen Shot 2014-09-09 at 10.21.59 PM.png +
+ JONATHAN HOCHBERG - NY PENAL LAW Section 120.15 - NY Code - Section 120.15- Menacing in the third degree.png +
+ 996_0001r - 00-00-00 - 00-00-28s Total - BONZE ANNE ROSE BLAYK - Camera +
+ 996_0001r - 00-00-00 - 00-00-28s Total - BONZE ANNE ROSE BLAYK - Camera Setup.mp4 +
+ 996_0002r - 00-00-00 - 00-01-33 - JONATHAN HOCHBERG - Turf Warrior.mp4 +
+ 996_0002r - 00-00-00 - 00-13-00 - JONATHAN HOCHBERG - Turf Warrior.mp4 +
+ 996_0002r - 00-45-00 - 00-47-04 - JONATHAN HOCHBERG's Beady Eyeball - Criminal Intent.mp4 +
+ 996_0002r - 00-45-00 - 00-47-04 - JONATHAN HOCHBERG's Beady Eyeball - Criminal Intent - Screen Shot 2015-03-15 at 2.28.29 PM - small.png +
+ 996_0002r - 03-09-11 - 05-17-15 - JONATHAN HOCHBERG - Menacing - I'LL TAKE YOUR HEAD OFF - Ron Hurd sees from green room.mp4 +
+ 996_0002r - 03-09-11 - 05-17-15 - JONATHAN HOCHBERG - Menacing - "I'll take your head off".mp4 +
+ 996_0002r1 - 00-00-00 - 00-13-00 - JONATHAN HOCHBERG - Turf +
+ 996_0002r2 - M-Eleven - +
+ DR0000_0414_LINE - M-Eleven - 2014-09-05.wav +
+ DR0000_0414 - M-Eleven - 2014-09-05.wav +
+ 996_0002r3 - M-Eleven - +
+ DR0000_0415_LINE - M-Eleven - 2014-09-05.wav +
+ DR0000_0415 - M-Eleven - 2014-09-05.wav +
+ 996_0003r - stage setup - +
+ 996_0004r1 - stage setup - Whoosis - +
+ DR0000_0416_LINE - Whoosis - 2014-09-05.wav +
+ DR0000_0416 - Whoosis - 2014-09-05.wav +
+ 996_0004r2 - Pale Green Stars - +
+ DR0000_0417 - Pale Green Stars - 2014-09-05.wav +
+ DR0000_0417_LINE - Pale Green Stars - 2014-09-05.wav +
+ 996_0004r3 - stage setup - +
+ 996_0005r - stage setup - +
+ DR0000_0418 - Intermission - 2014-09-05.wav +
+ DR0000_0418_LINE - Intermission - 2014-09-05.wav +
+ 996_0006r - camera taken down - +
+ DR0000_0419_LINE - The New York Rock - 2014-09-05.wav +
+ DR0000_0419 - The New York Rock - 2014-09-05.wav +
+ DR0000_0420_LINE - The New York Rock - 2014-09-05.wav +
+ DR0000_0420 - The New York Rock - 2014-09-05.wav +
+ databeast_Income_History.html +
+ databeast_Income_History.txt +
+ Tompkins - Lyme Disease On the Increase in Tompkins County | +
+ T.W.O. "The Weird One" lyric background - "stashed behind a painting" - The Avengers Forever: Pandora.webarchive.pdf +
"The gift for spotting the salient detail is at the core of the art of debugging." - bonze blayk
"PRESCRIPTION FOR PARANOIA: phosphorescent quotations" - The worksheet and "process document" in which I elaborated my reasoning on the bizarre statements regarding both matters of fact and interpretation found in "my" Clinical Record and "personal history" as prepared by the Office of Mental Health and others…
+ 2018-08-30 - PRESCRIPTION FOR PARANOIA - phosphorescent quotations - Bonze Anne Rose Blayk - COPYRIGHT 2018 BAD TRIP RECORDS.pdf +
The Status Seekers - Vance Packard
Or maybe you prefer Thorstein Veblen, or Nassim Nicholas Taleb, or other researchers relating how people tend to seek high-status roles even when it's killing them (or others).
Hitler's Table Talks - Martin Bormann
There's a researcher who claims that NSDAP #2 man Martin Bormann (or historian Hugh Trevor-Roper) was chock full of shit in claiming these "inspirational lectures by The Man Himself"
are accurate? "Whatever."
Our Hitler: A Film from Germany - Hans-Jürgen Syberberg
An 8-hour long meditation - a FILM! - relating how the "Hitler Industry" distorts NSDAP messaging, how inspirational propaganda was crafted using the most modern technologies,
and how the shame of WWII undermined the idealism which had been characteristic of the
national spirit of Germany, promoting a decline into crass commercialization and consumerism.
Iron Coffins - Herbert A. Werner
You thought the NSDAP was out to WIN this war? This sounds reasonable, but why were all the WunderWaffen promised to the military - like the Schnorkel - always LATE?
Why on earth did Adolf Hitler commence a two-front war some six YEARS before Admiral Raeder's building program for the Kriegsmarine was to be complete? (1945)
The Kriegsmarine never had enough submarines to have a good shot at prevailing in the war at sea.
A heartbreaking memoir of the war by a master sailor and submariner who graduated to the command of his own vessel.
Advance to Barbarism - F.J.P. Veale
OK, some claim ("ThreeArrows" on YouTube) that recent studies help rebut the characterization of the bombing of Dresden as a war crime, and that the enormous numbers
previously mooted were based on NSDAP propaganda, so that the casualties "only" amounted to about 30,000 dead.
Nevertheless, the exchange of atrocities against civilians in WWII on all sides was morally reprehensible under the laws traditionally held to
govern warfare in western culture (specifically Christian Just War doctrine).
Nazi Nexus - Edwin Black
Punchy: A host of American corporations cooperated with the NSDAP in supplying their Engines of War and Extermination - including IBM/Thomas J. Watson,
where the advanced tab machine/punchcard-based technologies provided by the Dehomag subsidiary of IBM were crucial both to implementing the Holocaust,
and the property transfers that kept "Authentic" Germans on the gravy train. Read it.
They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45 - Milton Mayer
My brother sent me this one; years after the war, some village folk were still believing that the cause of the NSDAP was justified, in particular, burning down the local synagogue? "Huh."
Hitler's Beneficiaries - Götz Aly
"Authentic" Volkische Germans benefitted from the war, as the economies of conquered territories were systematically pillaged by the imposition
of exploitative banking practices and outright theft.
"World War II was the biggest smash-and-grab in history." - AnneRose Blayk
Hitler's Philosophers - Yvonne Sheratt
Yvonne Sheratt demonstrates that Adolf Hitler started out by recruiting academic philosophers to the cause of the NSDAP. A horror story.
Where the rubber meets the road in life: philosophy! "Sometimes that rubber is the one prominent academic cleansing artist Martin Heidegger used on Hannah Arendt." (discuss)
From the standpoint of any sincere ethicist, Heidegger's "Authenticity" is rubbish: Authentically human? - what? -
"Human beings tend to lie a lot; thus, the embrace of The Big Lie is of all aspirations, the most 'truly human!'"
(Did Goebbels write that? No. Does not Heidegger so imply? "Beats me!")
You think by the mannerisms in my writing that perhaps I am "read up" in Nietzsche?
- "Danke schön!" ;-)
Bonze Anne Rose Blayk - 27 May 2018 - REAFFIRMED - Rosie-Anne Quvus aka bonze blayk! 4 Oct 2021
Rebubbed Bonze Annette Rose Blayk, barmayden, 6 June 2022.
NB: I use the abbreviation NSDAP for "the Nazi Party," because there are a lot of people out there who will identify themselves as Nazis, but
do not accept that the NSDAP was about Exterminationism above all else, and even believe the Holocaust was all a hoax?
Sadly, I myself do not believe that is the case.
So: When I talk about Hitler's party and its goals, I try to remain specific: it's the "National Socialist German Workers' Party,"
in German: "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei," abbreviated NSDAP.
And: The Big Lie of the Adolf Hitler's "National Socialist Party" is that it was in truth
1) Internationalist GLOBALIST and
2) Corporatist, and?
3) Not a party, but a cult.
And not a cult of personality, but rather one seeking to incorporate
an aberrant collectivist religico-philosophical anti-system promoting "individuality" for the Best among Beasts: for the masses, a death cult; for their "superiors," a cult based on the potential for "immortality" of the "corporate being" of Die Übermenschen?
- "What? You expected Supermen to agree on anything? Let us feign agreement and leave this meeting with our honored titles intact! Der Führer is out of sorts this afternoon!"