databeast, Inc. Income History
Year Sales Expenses Bill G Net Income
1995 8,267.50 4,900.00 3,367.50
1996 17,212.40 7,800.00 9,412.40
1997 12,437.98 7,175.00 5,262.98
1998 10,936.52 5,233.00 5,703.52
1999 30,342.63 8,961.00 21,381.63
2000 19,863.28 3,067.00 16,796.28
2001 32,781.21 7,125.00 25,656.21
2002 24,656.55 7,266.00 17,390.55
2003 24,899.50 10,552.08 3,024.40 14,347.42
2004 27,403.09 7,679.30 4,168.00 19,723.79
2005 14,980.00 6,584.26 5,280.00 8,395.74
2006 13,459.00 3,055.95 2,215.80 10,403.05
2007 6,001.05 1,940.00 4,061.05
2008 7,492.96 2,361.00 5,131.96
2009 5,701.63 3,069.14 2,632.49
2010 4,353.60 2,956.63 1,396.97
Total $260,788.90 $89,725.36 $14,688.20 $171,063.54
CRF $19,559.17 (Total included in expenses for payments to the Cornell Research Foundation for license for COMET code which I developed for Cornell — 7.5% of gross sales)