I was searching for my therapist’s name to fetch his email address; I got a most unusual result, indicating that somebody had radically hacked the Macintosh "Spotlight" search engine underlying that search facility so it yielded 10 results for a search that should have yielded OVER_9000 matches?

… I knew that my machine had been hacked already, because I had observed bizarre results from regular Spotlight searches that clearly indicated - but this one? SPECTACULAR!

- barmayden AnneRose Blayk
-- Honorable Wife to Lenora Quvus
--- Author of COMET, dataComet, and dataComet-Secure
—— & METAL CHICK #00000000 - “MC – ZERO!”

barmayden AnneRose Blayk

kevin - All Mailboxes - 15,768 Matches for Search - Apple Mail - Screen Shot 2018-06-22 at 3.08.09 PM barmayden SPOTLIGHT HACKORAMA - METAL CHICK Nr.00000000 kevin - Inbox - Bad Trip - 917 Matches for Search - Apple Mail - Screen Shot 2018-06-22 at 3.08.35 PM
Spotlight Hacked - SPIRITUAL CONSULTANT 00 - lenora - OK - 2014-06-12 - Screen Shot 2018-06-21 at 8.18.40 AM Spotlight Hacked - SPIRITUAL CONSULTANT 00 - lenora - OK, you're not gonna like this, but Hannibal Lecter thinks - SURGICAL ADDICTION is MINE - Bwahahahahaha - AnneRose exults - THE PAINFUL TRUTH - 2014-06-12 - Screen Shot 2015-03-13 at 6.48.28 AM Spotlight Hacked - SPIRITUAL CONSULTANT 01 - These are the yokes that I forged in life - 2010-10-28 - Screen Shot 2018-06-21 at 8.18.15 AM
Spotlight Hacked - SPIRITUAL CONSULTANT 02 - ok, MAB CD is under lock and key then - 2011-05-13 - Screen Shot 2018-06-21 at 8.18.09 AM Spotlight Hacked - SPIRITUAL CONSULTANT 03 - Hello again- one -interesting fact- I left unstated yesterday- and -a bit more- lol - 2012-11-14 - Screen Shot 2018-06-21 at 8.17.46 AM Spotlight Hacked - SPIRITUAL CONSULTANT 04 - Comment published in Shrink Rap - YOU'RE A WHORE - Another Step in the Long March - 2012-12-22 - Screen Shot 2018-06-21 at 8.17.40 AM
Spotlight Hacked - SPIRITUAL CONSULTANT 05 - Hi Kevin, … and that break you mentioned - Hang tight - 2014-04-30 - Screen Shot 2018-06-21 at 8.17.28 AM Spotlight Hacked - SPIRITUAL CONSULTANT 06 - OK, you're not gonna like this, but Hannibal Lecter thinks - Trans Surgical Addiction and Psychologists Are Like Ham Radio Operators - 2014-06-12 - Screen Shot 2018-06-21 at 8.17.03 AM Spotlight Hacked - SPIRITUAL CONSULTANT 07 - Pornei'a - 2014-11-10 - Screen Shot 2018-06-21 at 8.16.43 AM
Spotlight Hacked - SPIRITUAL CONSULTANT 08 - Richie Blackmore's Nightmare - 2010-07-20 - Screen Shot 2018-06-21 at 8.15.54 AM Spotlight Hacked - SPIRITUAL CONSULTANT 09 - ROCK ME a k a 'The Style Kills' - 2014-01-28 - Screen Shot 2018-06-21 at 8.15.31 AM Spotlight Hacked - SPIRITUAL CONSULTANT 10 - Get together for breakfast very soon - 2011-10-13 - Screen Shot 2018-06-21 at 8.15.27 AM