01 i believe, i believe...
02 Where Will I Get Off Tonight
03 Finis Africae
04 Confusion
05 In The Eye Of The Night
06 Just Plain Wendy
07 Ten Things I Love About Susan
08 Motel Zero
09 Where Will I Get Off Tonight [DynaSoar Live]
10 End of the Universe Blues [DynaSoar Live]
11 E-B-D [DynaSoar Live]
12 KAL007 [Auld l'Anxiety Live]
13 Burn One Down [Auld l'Anxiety]
14 End of the Universe Blues [Auld l'Anxiety]
15 I'd Swear I Heard This Song Before [Auld l'Anxiety Live]
16 Volvo Van Der Veggen [Auld l'Anxiety Live]
17 I've Got A Beef [Auld l'Anxiety Live]
18 I Saw The Saucers - Intro [Auld l'Anxiety Live]
19 I Saw The Saucers [Auld l'Anxiety Live]
20 T.W.O. #1 [Auld l'Anxiety]
21 King of Beasts [Auld l'Anxiety]
22 I've Got A Beef [Auld l'Anxiety Live]
23 Paula's Theme [Auld l'Anxiety Live]
24 Dave, Mad [Auld l'Anxiety]
25 Wigand Pier [Auld l'Anxiety]
26 Dave, Mellow [Auld l'Anxiety Live]
27 Dave, Despairing [Auld l'Anxiety Live]
28 Memorial Park [Auld l'Anxiety Live]
29 Dave, Mad #1 [Auld l'Anxiety]
. . .
a haphazardly recorded collocation musicotechtronic
distributed under this license: free for personal use by permission of the authors
- lead guitar, vocals, bass, drums -
Auteur Imaginaire, Faux Philosophe, Rockonteur
Artiste de la conneries
Dave Z. Besson PhD - lead guitar, vocals, songwriting
Chris O'Grady PhD - bass guitar
Brian Moeckly PhD - drums, Sloan Flush Valve™
Kurt Jordan PhD - bass guitar
Don Pharaoh - drums
"Tell all the Truth but tell it slant —"
Emily Dickinson
Updated 5/7/11, 7/25/11, 12/3/13 (REV 4 REDIVIVUS), 4/9/23